Freeze Pipe For Sale
7 products
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Freeze Pipes are the coolest collection page on our website! The freeze pipe collection. These glycerin-filled bongs and pipes are the best freeze bongs and pipes on the market. If you are looking for a new piece to take your glass collection to the next level, you are in the right spot. The best way to find the best bong for you is to do your research, and learn everything you can about your options! That is where we come in. Here on this collection page, we are going to bring you the most essential information regarding freezable bongs and freezable pipes, so you can have all of the information you need to make a great decision. We are going to do this by laying out the basics, and then going into a frequently asked question list. By the end of this, you will be able to consider yourself a pro on all things freeze bongs!
What is a Glycerin Freeze Pipe?
A glycerin freeze Pipe is a glass pipe that has a unique design allowing a portion of its body filled with a freezable substance known as glycerin. This is why they are also commonly referred to as glycerin pipes. The glycerin in these pipes is what allows them to freeze without breaking the glass! If you were to have a chamber of water inside of your glass pipe and then put that into the freezer there is a good chance that the water would expand and shatter your glass! Glycerin however does not expand when it freezes. Making it the perfect semi-liquid to add to a hand pipe! Once you try a freeze pipe you may never want to go back!
What is a Glycerin Freeze Bong?
A freeze bong is any bong that has a portion of glycerin within it! This is going to allow you to have a bong that provides cool smooth hits, whenever you want it! Using a freeze bong is a lot like using a bong with a solid ice catch. Except for a few key differences. When you use an ice catch on a normal bong, the ice only stays for so long and then melts potentially even messing up your perfect water levels. With a freeze bong, you don’t have to worry about that! Instead of melting ice making your rips nice and cool, it’s the bong itself! Most freeze bongs have a removable neck that is filled with glycerin. This removable feature allows you to easily place the freezable neck inside of your freezer!
What is Glycerin?
Glycerin is a non-toxic gel that has an extremely wide array of items today! Including soaps, lotions, greases, foods, and a variety of other things! Its ability to freeze without expanding is what initially attracted the first stoner engineers to the substance. The question was looming over the community since the creation of the first bong. How can I cool the smoke from my bong down? Many have come with answers, but only a few have stood the test of time. Freeze pipes and a Glycerin bong are one of those options that are a perfect answer to that age-old question.
How Do You Use a Freeze Bong or Pipe?
Using your freeze bong or freeze pipe has never been easier. We have broken down the process into three easy-to-follow steps. First, you are going to separate the glass pieces filled with glycerin from the pieces that are not filled with glycerin. (If you are using a glycerin freeze pipe disregard this first step, move straight on to the second and third.) Second, you are going to take the freezable glycerin-filled glass and stick it in a safe place inside of your freezer and wait! Finally, after you have given the piece a good thirty minutes to an hour of freezing, you can take it out and put your piece all back together, and then continue use as normal! Except your sessions will now be anything but normal! They are going to be a lot smoother, thanks to that extreme cooling that the smoke will have to go through before it hits your mouth at all!
Freeze Pipe FAQs
Just in case we didn’t cover it all above, we have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding freeze bongs. Feel free to shoot us any addition that you might have to this list, and we will be happy to answer your question and update this list so we can better keep you guys informed!
Where Do You Find Freeze Bongs?
If you are looking for the best freeze bongs and freeze pipes in the industry then look no further than here. You are in the right place. Here at Fat Buddha Glass, we have curated a massive collection of freeze bongs and freezable pipes, like the amazing freeze pipe by phoenix. Phoenix brand freeze pipes really do a solid job at efficiently cooling down your rips.
What Are the Best Freeze Bongs, and Freeze Pipes?
There are many brands out there that make glycerin-filled pipes and freezable bongs but in our opinion it's names like a phoenix that are doing it the best. Their freezable coil pipes and bongs provide some intense cooling to your rips, making for a nice smooth session. If you are looking for a quality freeze pipe or freeze bong. This collection page of the coolest pipes and coolest bongs is just the place you want to be.
Do Freeze Bongs Actually Make Sessions Better?
Well, better is a very subjective term. It all depends really. Do you enjoy hot harsh hits? Or do you enjoy nice cool hits that make your rips easy to take? We won’t tell you what one we think you should prefer! You can totally choose your own fate. However, we WILL tell you that our preference is to have as much cooling as possible in our pipe or bong when we are taking those big rips. Whether that comes in ice, or the more efficient glycerin method doesn’t matter too much to us. It’s the actual cooling down of your smoke that makes all the difference.
If we didn’t answer a question that you have about glycerin-filled cool pipes or freeze bongs, feel free to send us an email or comment asking us what specifics you want to know! We love to hear from you, and our whole mission here is to provide you with as much information as possible to help you make an informed decision!