Smoking Accessories
342 products
Showing 1 - 48 of 342 products
Have you been searching for that extra little something to take your smoking experience to a whole new level? Have your sessions felt a little boring lately and you can’t figure out how to spice them up? We have your solution. Welcome to the home of the best smoking accessories in the industry. At Fat Buddha Glass, we understand that to run a proper online headshop, you need to have all of these essential smoking accessories that no stoner’s toolkit is complete without! Below, we are going to run you through all of the different types of smoking accessories that there are, and how each one can help you. By the end of this page, you will come out a knowledgeable professional in the world of everything 420. First things first, what is a smoking accessory?
What is a Smoking accessory?
A smoking accessory can be any item that aids you in your smoking experience. And trust us, there are a lot of ways that you can be aided in your smoking experience. Some that you probably haven’t even know thought about before. Smoking accessories can be used for personalization, utility, or even just as a fun talking point with your friends. There are many different types of amazing weed accessories like rolling papers, or even odor eliminators!
Here we are going to go over all the different types of smoking accessories. Ok. Enough of the intense build-up. Let’s get right to it. Let’s get into all the different ways to spice up your session with the best stoner accessories around.
What kind of Smoking Accessories are there?
The world of everything 420 is one that is filled to the brim with innovation that excites us! Here at Fat Buddha Glass, we have put the work into finding the best smokers accessories in the market and bringing them to you. Browse through this list of essentials, and find one that will enhance your sessions.
The first and one of the most used accessories is the bong bowl. The bowl is the vessel where you place the material you desire to be burnt. It is arguably the most important part of a bong. Without a bong bowl, you only have a tall piece of glass with water in it. But with a bong bowl, you have a portal to another universe! The best part about bong bowls is that they provide the easiest and cheapest way to customize your bong. Here are our three favorite things about bong bowls.
- They are the linchpin of a bong smoking experience.
- Bowls Offer Unique Customization Options
- Cheaper Than Some Other Accessories
- Comes in different sizes 14mm bowl & 18mm bowl
So those are bong bowls, did we mention they are typically the first things to break by accident? So you when you find a bowl you like, hold it tight and never let go. The worst thinking is getting a quality cute bowl and dropping it. We don’t want you to feel the heartbreak that happens when your bowl breaks. That's just how much we love bowls!
Grinders! Grinders are the equivalent to cavemen discovering fire in the world of everything 420. They break down your weed, or whatever it is that you want to grind, into a smaller more consistent grind. Making for a much more consistent smoking experience. Our favorite parts of a grinder are..
- Provide an Even Burn (due to the consistent grind of material)
- Can Serve as Storage
- Many Different Types of Grinders
If you wish to learn more about the wonderful world of grinders, you should check out our grinder guide. We have done our best to break down exactly what a grinder is, and what you should look for when trying to find the perfect grinder for you.
These water-filled glass chambers are going to catch all of the gross ash that is pulled through your bowl towards your bong. Because most of the ash is held here, your percolators & bong will stay cleaner for a long time! What we love about ash catchers is how they.
- Keep Your Piece Clean
- Adds Extra Filtration
- Enhances Your Setup
Ash Catchers are amazing. They are truly all about prevention. Ash Catchers bring a whole new level of convenience to your smoking session. The specific convenience they bring is... CLEANLINESS! Everything is cleaner with an ash catcher.
A downstem is a small straight glass tube that has intricately cut holes on the bottom. This device is placed into a bong. Once placed into a bong, you fill water upright above those intricately cut holes. Now, once you rip from your bong those holes act as a percolator and help to diffuse your smoke. Our three favorite things about downstems are.
- Provides Extra Diffusion
- Affordable Essential Item
- Easy Item To Clean
Downstems are much like bowls, are essential to a bong working. However, unlike bowls, not every bong requires a downstem. The most common type of bong to use a downstem is a beaker bong, but you will see them everywhere.
*While dabbing use extreme caution while using heat*
The dabbing world has many different types of accessories that are considered essential to getting the job done. Without some of these items, you may not be able to dab at all! Then some of them are solely there to make your life easier. Adding convenience to your session is exactly what these accessories aim to do. So try one, and let us know how it is for you.
- Dab Tools
Dab tools are items that you use to handle and maneuver your sticky concentrates. Whether it is wax, oil, or anything in between you will need a dab tool to keep the mess away from your fingers and prevent you from creating a bigger mess!
Dab tools can come in many different materials. Most commonly you will find either metal dab tools or glass dab tools. Metal dab tools tend to be simpler and more straightforward, whereas glass dab tools tend to have more design and color options. But in the end, they all do the exact same thing. So it is up to you to find the device that speaks to you and will work for you in the situations you need them to.
- Carb Caps
Carb Caps are your source of airflow control while taking a rip from a dab rig. Carb Caps are typically made out of high-quality quartz glass. They typically have a hole on top of them that diverts to smaller angled holes on the bottom.
To use a carb cap, you have to Once you have your heated banger with your material ready to be vaporized inside, you place a carb cap on top. This action of restricting airflow to the banger chamber is what really extracts those vapors. To clear your dab rig, you remove your finger from the top hole and continue to rip. This should clear the chamber! You can still dab without a carb cap. However, to achieve the best results, we recommend one.
- Torches
A dab torch is a device used to heat your quartz banger to extremely high temperatures. Heat is what allows you to vaporize your concentrates. Which is pretty essential. Earlier we said that the invention of bong bowls is the stoner equivalent of cavemen discovering fire. However, we would like to update that and say that the discovery of these high-quality dab torches is the real stoner equivalent. Without this actual fire, would the dabbers of today exist at all? We do not think so.
- Quartz Bangers
Quartz bangers are an impressive innovation in the glass world. These high-quality quartz bangers are able to withstand high temperatures without a bend or scratch! This attribute makes quartz perfect for vaporizing concentrates. In order to vaporize anything at all, you need something that is capable of reaching and maintaining high temperatures. There are many different types of bangers as well. So be sure to find the size and style that speaks to you! These truly are a staple in the magical world of dabbing.
- Dab Straws AKA Nectar Collectors
Dab Straws and Nectar Collectors are probably the most convenient innovation in the world of dabbing. They provide you with a way to consume your concentrates without having to own a whole rig. So really, they are as much a functional glass piece as any rig on our site!
The best Dab Straws are created out of high-quality quartz glass, which retains heat very efficiently. To use them, you apply heat to the pointed side of the device. When it is at the correct temperature, you place that same end against your concentrate and inhale from the nonheated end. That’s it! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us.
- Dab Mats
Dab mats are a dab rig’s best friend. What they provide is a place for you to place your dab rig, and not worry about it sliding away! They can be made of many different materials, but they all do the same thing. Keep your smoking space more contained, and organized. Dab mats can also be a great way to accessorize your smoking space. Choose one that speaks to how your interests. Something that really shows off who you are. Are you a godfather type? Or something a little more straightforward. Whatever your style, we hope you can find it here at our humble little online head shop.
Containers are very important! Without proper cannabis storage, the quality of your flower deteriorates quickly. So make sure to find one that best serves your needs. Some things to keep in mind. Are you going to be traveling with this container? You may just be looking for smell proof case. Is this a dedicated container for your home? Maybe you are just looking for general marijuana storage. Do you need something rather large with multiple uses or something smaller to fit into a tight spot? Whatever your needs may be, we know that you can find the best 420 store containers in the market right here.
Though flower is a good thing to have a container for, it is not the only thing you need storage for. Pipes are great for traveling, and we can make that easier on you with one of our smell-proof pipe cases. They are essential to any traveling tokers toolkit.
Maintenance is the best way to continue to get the full effect from your glass piece. The difference between a glass piece that has been maintained and a glass piece that has not been maintained is extreme. Dealing with dirty bongs and pipes is the absolute worst part of the entire smoking experience. The best way to keep your bong clean is prevention! Be sure to clean your piece after every session for the best results.
Here at Fat buddha Glass, we try to make maintenance a breeze for you! We have found the best cleaners out there. Cleaners are really easy to use, and you will love the results. We have everything from cleaning gel to powders that you mix with water that will help remove all of the gunk from your piece. Pipes may use the same cleaning solution as bongs due, but if you are finding it hard to get some stubborn gunk out, we recommend trying one of our awesome pipe cleaners. They are perfect for those hard-to-reach spots.
Are you someone who is always on the go? Do you like adventuring? These rolling accessories will be perfect for you. Rolling accessories allow you to easily take your fresh flower and turn it into a carry able smokable little joint! This convenience has always been a staple in the world of everything 420. No online headshop would be complete without them. There are many different types of rolling accessories, so let us tell you a little about what we have.
- Blunt wraps
We carry the best blunt wraps in the game. You have the option of a flavored blunt wrap which tends to be very popular. Or, you could take a solid plain blunt wrap. Blunts are a favorite of the staff here at Fat Buddha. They are something that we save for special occasions, because of the amount of herb that they can fit inside of them. But we will leave what you use them for, up to you! Enjoy!
- Rolling papers & Hemp wraps
Rolling Papers and Hemp Wraps are absolutely essential in the industry. Papers are what you use to create joints. When the average person thinks of weed. They are most likely thinking of a joint. The world of everything 420 would not exist without joints!
When it comes to inhaling smoke of any kind, you want to make sure you trust the companies that you are working with. That’s why here at Fat Buddha we always bring you the best of the best, which is why we are proud to carry such big names in the rolling paper world like Raw and Juicy.
Constructing the perfect joint takes years of practice and skill. But if you want to don’t want to wait for your stoner mastery skills to kick in, keep reading. Because we may just have the solution for you. Check below.
- Rolling machines
If you have seen the wonderful world of joints, but you have not been able to make one yourself. Fear no longer. We have just the solution for you. Rolling machines are a quick way to take your freshly ground flower and roll it into a rolling paper. Creating a joint! This innovation of an invention makes it possible for anyone to create a solid joint in a matter of seconds.
There aren't many steps to using a rolling machine. First, you take your ground-up weed and place it into the machine, distributing your material evenly. Then, you close the machine up and place a rolling paper into the machine. Using your fingers you will twist the machine and watch as the paper goes into and around the device. Perfectly wrapping your flower into a joint. To finish it off you lick the paper’s sealant and seal up the joint! If you have any questions about this process feel free to reach out to us. And we will be happy to help you figure it out!
- Rolling trays
A rolling tray is a wonderful invention that is meant to keep your messes confined to a single space. Rolling trays are basically little rectangular plates that have raised edges, to keep everything on the plate. They make it easy for you to get the messy job of rolling done! You don’t have to worry about wasted material because there is a tray there to catch everything. They really are amazing.
- Pre-rolled cones
Like we mentioned before, rolling is no easy task. It takes the hands of a surgeon to be able to craft a perfect jay. There are alternatives for those of us who do not have God’s gift of joint rolling. We mentioned rolling trays, but let us tell you about cones. Cones are the best.
Cones are a pre-rolled empty, ready to fill, joint papers! They are amazing. All you have to do to use one is take your freshly ground product and dump it into the paper! Once it is filled to the top, you pinch and twist the top closed. There you have it! One no-hassle ready to smoke, joint!
- Roach clips
Roach clips are an invention that allows you to hold your joint without touching your joint. They are decorative small items that have a stiff wire with a clip attached to the end of it. You clip a joint in the end and hold onto the small decorative item. It is great! Roach clips are some of the classiest additions to the world of joints. They make everything easier for you.
- Extras Smoking Accessories
If you thought that those were the only essential smoking accessories there are, you are wrong! There are a few items that we could not go without mentioning. These items aren’t crucial to your smoking experience, but individually they do bring another dimension to your smoking world.
- Hemp wick
Hemp wick is a hot alternative to lighting your weed directly with a lighter. It has been said before that the temperature that a normal lighter burn at is much higher than the ideal burning temperature of weed. With hemp wick, you light the end of it and hold it flame side up (so the whole thing doesn’t set ablaze), and use that flame to light your product. The whole experience of it is honestly fun all by itself. Without thinking about the potential benefits. Hemp wick is typically soaked in wax of some sort that allows the wick to burn slowly, making your hemp wick last for quite a while. If you are looking to switch it up a little bit, hemp wick may just be the solution for you.
- Scales
Everyone knows what a scale is, but a weed scale has specific requirements. It needs to be able to read the weight down to the gram. If you could find a more accurate scale than that, you would be in an even better position. Scales are great for many things in the world of everything 420. They can help you with moderation, by allowing you to always know exactly how much product you are using. They can also help you check the weight of new orders, to make sure that you haven’t gotten scammed! All in all, scales have really changed the game, and we had to mention them before wrapping up this guide.
- Odor Eliminators
Depending on where you are smoking, odor eliminators can change the game for you. If you are tired of that sweet sweet dank smell that comes along with the trade. We have a couple of solutions for you. There are a few different types of odor eliminators on the market today. Types where you can help get rid of the smell before it happens. And types where you can ease the smell after it happens. Depending on the situation you are in, you may need only one or both of these types of weed odor eliminators.
Why Use Smoking Accessories?
As you have seen through this extensive list of both non-essential and essential stoner smoke supplies, you have many options to choose from. We have made this list as extensive as possible, so you can be sure you are making an informed decision. But that is where we draw the line. We are here to help you find the best piece for yourself, but we will never force a decision upon you. Our aim is to educate you about how your smoking sessions could benefit from some 420 ingenuity. Some of these cannabis accessories, you can’t have a session without.
Hopefully, you have come out of this more educated about the option of weed accessories that are out there for you to use. Each one means to bring a new level of convenience to your sessions. We do know however if you are just starting out and learning about this world. It can feel rather overwhelming. So if you feel you have any unanswered questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We want you to have the smoothest experience possible. As always, happy searching, and we hope that you find your peace. (As well as a high-quality piece)