Cold Start Dabs: Everything you Need to Know

Cold start dabs

How To Take A Cold Start Dab 

Cold start dabbing, also called reverse dabbing is often the forgotten version of dabbing. It's too bad because cold start dabbing is the best way to get the full experience of the concentrates you're smoking. Cold start dabbing is not new, in fact it has been around for as long as regular dabbing has. Luckily, as of lately cold start dabbing is starting to increase in popularity amongst even casual dabbers, this is due to increased dabbing in general coupled with more dabbing products. 

What is Cold-Start Dabbing? 

Cold start dabbing is when you pack your concentrates in your nail before you heat the nail up. This is why cold start dabbing is often called reverse dabbing, because in traditional dabbing you heat the nail first and then place your concentrates on the nail. Traditional dabbing can be tough because of the precision required to get the right temperature; it is difficult to place your concentrates on the nail at the exact right time. Cold start dabbing, on the other hand, is always done at a lower temperature and precision is not important. And in comparison to regular dabbing, cold start dabbing is done at shockingly low temperatures. Standard dabbing is usually done at temperatures between 500° to 900° Fahrenheit, cold start dabbing is most often done at 350° Fahrenheit. Cold start dabbing then is just dabbing that is done at a lower temperature as a result of placing your concentrates on the nail before you heat it (rather than after).  

Who is Cold Start Dabbing Better For? 

Everyone with a dab rig should try cold start dabbing, then you can decide for yourself if cold start dabbing is for you. That said, in general, cold start dabbing is the best option for beginners and those who are true connoisseurs of concentrate tastes. Cold start dabbing is best for beginners because regular dabbing is extremely time-sensitive and a much more difficult process than cold start dabbing. When beginners first take up dabbing they often heat their nails too much and end up ruining their concentrates. High temperatures can ruin both the potency and taste of your concentrates, so it is quite a bummer to overheat your nail. Overheating your nail can also damage the nail itself over time, especially if you do not have a quartz nail. 

Aside from beginners, cold start dabbing is also often preferred by those who value the taste of their concentrate. Lower temperature dabs are the only way for you to get a complete taste of your concentrate. And while most concentrates taste similar each time, there are exceptions such as live resin. Live resin has endless different strands and therefore endless different tastes, so live resin lovers especially should consider cold start dabbing. 

Benefits of Cold Start Dabbing 

The single greatest benefit of cold start dabbing is the savory taste that you will experience with your dabs. As mentioned before, traditional dabbing takes away from the taste of your concentrates, especially if you dab at higher temperatures. Another advantage to cold start dabbing is that your hits will be smoother. Regular dabbing can be hard on your throat, the high temperatures can often irritate you; cold start dabbing is going to produce much cooler and smoother feeling inhales due to its lower temperature (this is another reason it's great for beginners). The third advantage of cold start dabbing is simply that it is a time saver. If you are in a rush and still want to get a dab in, you will need to cold start dab. Traditional dabbing takes too long for the nail to heat up. Lastly, cold start dabbing is easy on your equipment, you will never have to worry about blackening your nail or any chazzing. 

Drawbacks of Cold Start Dabbing 

Even though cold start dabbing is a great way to consume concentrates, every smoking process has some drawbacks. The main drawback to cold start dabbing is that it's not a group activity. If you want to have a dab session with a bunch of your buddies they will either all need to have their own rig so everyone can cold start dab on their own or you guys will need to just dab traditionally. The reason cold start dabbing is not much a group activity is because the nail needs to be cool when you place your concentrates on it and take a hit. After heating the nail and taking a hit, you will have to wait for the nail to be cool again before your friends can take a toke. Doing this isn't fun, one person is already high as a kite while the other is just staring at a nail waiting for it to be cool again.  

One other drawback is the potential loss of concentrates. Mainly this happens when your nail isn't clean, so if you keep your nail in good condition you have nothing to worry about. Because you are dabbing at lower temperatures you need your concentrate to be directly exposed to the nail for it to heat enough for you to smoke. This means that debris or grime on your nail can stop concentrates from heating and essentially waste them. 

How to Cold Start Dab 

Cold start dabbing is easy, and if you know how to dab then you already have most of the process down. As mentioned earlier, the only difference between this and standard dabbing is placing your concentrates on the nail while it's still cool rather than waiting for the nail to get hot first. In short though, the steps of cold start dabbing are as follows: 

  1. Clean your nail- to prevent wasting your concentrate and get the best taste make sure to keep your nail in pristine condition. 
  2. Place concentrates on the nail- This is the most important step, place your concentrate of choice on the nail before you heat it. 
  3. Heat the nail- Once you have loaded your concentrate, it's time to heat the nail. Place a cap over the nail and get to work with your torch. Heating should only take about 10 seconds. 
  4. Inhale- As soon as vapor starts rising it is time to take a hit and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can continue to take hits until your concentrate turns black or stops boiling. 
  5. Clean your equipment for future use!  

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